The Standard: "Gesture of goodwill"
by Disu Dang Jun 7, 2023We're all a little nostalgic about the golden childhood we grew up in. For some, art is the way to remember and revisit the past.Read more -
Mingpao: "With gentle brushstrokes, the French-African painter expresses endearment towards hometown and connects with long-distance relatives"
by Yolanda Lam Jun 6, 2023【明報專訊】自全面通關以來,本地藝術市場及實體活動恢復生機,來自世界各地的藝術再次聚首香港,亦有不少藝壇新星攜帶新作首次赴港,交流多元文化,為城市增添新氣象。今個月,本地畫廊WOAW Gallery帶來法國藝術家Soimadou Ibrahim在香港的首個個展In Deeds and Gestures,他的17幅全新作品專門為這個展覽創作。Soimadou第一次踏足香港,免不了興奮與緊張,別看他一臉靦腆,談到自己的畫作時卻滔滔不絕。Read more -
HypeArt: "Soimadou Ibrahim Navigates 'In Deeds and Gestures' at WOAW Gallery"
by Keith Estiler May 25, 2023WOAW Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition “ In Deeds and Gestures” by French artist Soimadou Ibrahim. The exhibition, taking place at the...Read more -
IN CONVERSATION: Soimadou Ibrahim on "In Deeds and Gestures"
by Emilie El Jaouhari May 18, 2023Soimadou Ibrahim in his studio, Image courtesy of the artist From 19 May to 16 June 2023, WOAW Gallery Central will showcase In Deeds and...Read more