The Standard: "Gesture of goodwill"
by Disu Dang June 2, 2023We're all a little nostalgic about the golden childhood we grew up in. For some, art is the way to remember and revisit the past.Read more -
Mingpao: "With gentle brushstrokes, the French-African painter expresses endearment towards hometown and connects with long-distance relatives"
by Yolanda Lam JUNE 6, 2023【明報專訊】自全面通關以來,本地藝術市場及實體活動恢復生機,來自世界各地的藝術再次聚首香港,亦有不少藝壇新星攜帶新作首次赴港,交流多元文化,為城市增添新氣象。今個月,本地畫廊WOAW Gallery帶來法國藝術家Soimadou Ibrahim在香港的首個個展In Deeds and Gestures,他的17幅全新作品專門為這個展覽創作。Soimadou第一次踏足香港,免不了興奮與緊張,別看他一臉靦腆,談到自己的畫作時卻滔滔不絕。Read more
In Deeds and Gestures by Soimadou Ibrahim : Central
Past exhibition
19 May - 10 July 2023